When you are wearing rain boots, you MUST make sure your socks are tight. Because the worst thing is trudging about in scrunchy socks that scrunch down even more with each step, till in the end they've slid off your ankles and gathered all at the forefront of your boots. And if you happen to own boots with a rather scratchy interior, torturous chafing of your bare ankles will ensue.
Also, if this is taking place on a day that you thought would be all thunderstorms and rain, but that actually turned out to be screechingly sunny, you'll feel even more like an idiot as you glare enviously at rosy-cheeked passersby skipping about in Havianas.
If you ever undergo this unpleasant experience then keep in mind that the one and only antidote for it is to head to your nearest Dunkin Donuts and order a Tropicana Coolatta. You will feel instantly better. Even in your pathetically scrunched up socks and inappropriate rain gear on a garishly sunny day.