Friday, May 10, 2013


Do you like to swim? Yes, it's the only sport that doesn't make me sweat. 

Do you need to return anyone's phone call? I don't think so. Most people now know that it's usually fruitless to call me. 

What is the closest orange object to you? A book about how exercise improves the brain.

What did you last eat? Black bean soup mixed with Tuscan sausage soup.

Who is your favorite teacher of all time? My mom and grandpa. In school, it was Mrs. Chase.

Name one of your goals for this year? Maintain a clutter-free bedroom. Stop eating so much goldfish (probably not going to happen.).

Did you cry because Michael Jackson died? I did.

What does your 9th message on your phone say? "If you have taken the birthcontrols Yaz, Ocella, or Yasmin and suffered negative health effects you could be eligible for compensation." Good thing I have not.

Look to your left. What's there? Manuscript transmittal checklist.

Ever pop someone else's pimple? Yes. I have to say it could be thrilling if the person's name is Andrew.

How long does it take you to fall asleep? Almost no time at all. I have to stop myself from falling asleep all the time.

Are you scared about the end of the world? It's not a pressing fear.

What are you looking forward to? It's always the same: Going home. And retirement.

What comes to your mind when I say red? Clifford.

Do you crack your neck often? I don't know how.

Do you usually hold your pee for a long time? Sometimes when I'm sleeping.Then I have grotesque dreams of the nastiest bathrooms imaginable. 

Is it possible to lick your elbow? Not mine.

Worst feeling in the world? Guilt or resentment.

Name something you think is pointless? Doing work on a Friday afternoon when your belly is full 'n warm.

Favorite fast food restaurant? SHAKE SHACK.

Have you ever been in a fist fight? No, people.

Do you wish at 11:11? If I catch it, yes.

What's your favorite color gummy bear? I like green or clear.

What is the sexiest part of the opposite sex's body? Muscular arms.

Have you ever made up/sang a song for someone you cared about? For Chloe.

Where do you sing the most, in the car, the shower or other? I sing the most when I'm with Chloe, wherever we are. And nowadays I always sing when I put on her shoes.

What is your favorite thing that is green? Evergreens.

What do you smell like? Probably like soup.

Ever hurt yourself playing Wii? I don't engage in Wii.

Do you have freckles? Yes.

What's the last movie you saw in the theater? The Hobbit with my sister in Taiwan. I was there more for the popcorn. 

Ever jumped/fallen/been pushed in a pool with your clothes on? Yes, pushed. I fought like a dog but lost.

Name a song that you know all the words to: Insy Binsy Spider. It's currently Chloe's favorite.

Are you in love with someone right now? Oh yes.

What can you hear right now? Fleet Foxes.

Did you feel better or worse or the same yesterday? Better.

What are your plans for today? Going to a David Sedaris reading with Jess Chia! 

What was your favorite childhood show? Arthur the anteater.

Do you sleep well at night? Soo well.