Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bear's big special day

It's Drew's birthday today!!!!! To the one and only boy I know who transforms his cupcake into a sandwich:

Take the bottom off...

Plop it on top...

...for a Bear-style cupcake sammich!

"The other day Drew put medicine on my infected ear piercing. As my head rested on his lap I thought how nice it was to have someone care about some tidbit piece of me as small as my earlobe, how silly is that and how all the more endearing. Possibly even a truer representation of care than a kiss. Afterward he asked me if I wanted to go grocery shopping with him when it was already past 10 p.m. I wanted to tell him, my favorite thing is nighttime runs to get food! But I was beside myself so I simply said one word Yes. He bought yogurt for me and lean pockets and apple juice."
-November 2, 2010