Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pimp survey

What is the first thing you do when you get home?
wash my hands

What was the first thing you did this morning?

How long does it take you to shower?
5-10 minutes oh yeaaa. i'm a spiffy scrubber.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?
only if there's an annoying "beep beep" sound if i don't.

Do your grandparents have a cell phone/computer?
cell phones. my grandma's is pink, with diamond-shaped buttons hehe.

Most disgusting thing to put cheese on, in your opinion:
Cookies 'n cream ice cream.

Do you still talk to your first love?

Who was the first person to text you today?
Drew, from Pennsylvania, telling me about some berry yummy bluebelly pancakes there.

Who is the first person you thought of this morning?
My brother.

Do you secretly like someone?
of course, life's more interesting that way. and you stay younger.

What do you tend to dream negatively about the most?
I'm back at home in Taiwan, and I suddenly realize I unknowingly did not see my grandparents in x amount of days. I'm running out of time and it becomes imperative that I go to them and never leave.

How often are you angry for no reason?
Hardly anymore.

Are there any stains on a favorite item of clothing that you just can't get out?
There are NO STAINS i can't get rid of.

Who was the last person you said you loved on the phone?

If you're having a bad hair day, do you wear a cap of some sort?
No. My bad hair days are just days when my hair's especially straight/flat/limp, so caps don't help.

Favorite television character is played by which actor/actress, and why are they your favorite?
Sandra Oh/Cristina Yang in Grey's Anatomy because she kicks ass.

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
can't really tell. got my dad's nose; both of them have bulbous cheeks.

What are you listening to?
Lily Allen's cover of "Naive" by the Kooks

Is the last person you kissed older than you?
yeah. though sometimes he is 12.

Do you have a favorite item of clothing?
my William the Parrot shirt from Kmart. 'Cause I'm not just smart, I'm Kmart smart.

Last movie you saw in theaters?
Cowboys & Aliens, which was better than expected.

Last thing you ate?
Half a pickle, dipped in mustard + Tabasco + apple vinegar + salsa. And leftover pizza.

What was last thing you drank?
cold green tea

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?
Plane ticket to Taiwan

What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching a documentary on b-boys. I recommend it! Look it up on Netflix: "Planet B-Boy."