Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday at the Voice

Nicole bought a bridal magazine during her lunch break. She's showing it to Gavin.

Gavin: You realize I don't give a shit about weddings.
Nicole: Tons of people subscribe to bridal magazines.
Gavin: That's retarded. If you're only going to marry this person once, why would you subscribe to a year's worth of bridal magazines?
Nicole: A wedding takes a year to plan. A year to two years, sometimes even more.
Gavin: Uh, just book a place, hire caterers, invite people. Done.
Nicole: But it takes forever to decide on a dress. Like would you prefer that walking toward you, or that walking toward you?
Gavin: If I wanna marry a girl I wouldn't give a shit about what kind of dress she's wearing.
Nicole: I wanna get married by the beach or the water. Where do you wanna get married?
Gavin: Probably in a court house.
Nicole: In a court house? Oh my god that's so dreary.
Gavin: There's something about weddings that's almost... I dunno, depressing.
Nicole: Would you want to get your wedding written in the newspaper?
Gavin: How many fucking questions are you going to ask me about weddings? The idea about paying money to have something written about my wedding is just silly.
Nicole: What?!
Gavin: There are so many other things you can do with money.

Nicole starts telling Gavin about a wedding story that involves a huge ring. He tells her that big rings are gaudy.

"I appreciate subtlety."